Want To Learn Crypto Trading Effortlessly In A Few Days?

How Pro Traders Make 10x Profit Trading Altcoins Against Bitcoin

Cryptocurrencies are about to revolutionize our financial world as we know it, there is no doubt about that anymore.

Those who realized this very early became extremely rich, millionaires or even billionaires, such as Barry Silbert or the Winklevoss twins.

However, after the big Bitcoin boom in 2017, many people thought that the crypto bubble has burst – and it’s over.

But is that really true?

Analysts know that all markets move in recurring cycles. And it seems that a new Bitcoin and Altcoin Bull Market with rising prices is just about to start – right now.

And we know from the past, that cryptocurrencies not only can rise 10x in price – they can even rise 2000x in price. Yes! Cryptocurrencies can rise several thousand percentages, as we've seen 2 years ago!

Cryptocurrency price increases of 5x or 10x even happen quite often within a few weeks or months. This is the average. It's "normal" in those markets. That's just not accompanied by the big media hype at the moment.

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So Crypto Trading is extremely profitable, even now, though there is no new big hype yet.

However, in the next big Bitcoin bull market the altcoin markets will probably be unstoppable – which can be expected from the historical charts and the still very young crypto markets in general. And this next Bull Market is expected for now – for 2020!! Don't miss it. Make sure you have to skills to get on the gravy train when the time is right.

Then you should no longer be a beginner and know how to get the maximum out of crypto trades.

So the perfect time to start trading is right now.

Your problem is that you don't know which coins are promising and when to buy and sell – so you cannot benefit from those extreme profitable investments.

You've probably spent a lot of time searching the Internet for tips on what coins to buy and how to best evaluate the charts. Hoping that some people in forums, social media or on Youtube have a clue and can give you seriously good trading tips.

But most of the time the price goes down right after you’ve entered.

You've already got a vague idea of how much time and effort it would take you to collect – and filter – all the necessary information about profitable trading to understand those markets.

Trading as a beginner with no know-how is highly risky because there are professional traders who do nothing else – and they know how to read the charts and use the right indicators to make profit.

They know how to manage their risk so they don't lose their hard earned money.

Some of them earn their living only by trading crypto – some of them have become enormously rich by trading cryptocurrencies as the volatility of crypto markets is unprecedented.

Where most people lose a lot, they win incredible sums.

What About You – Do You Want That Too?

Do you also feel like we did a few years ago? - On the one hand interested and euphoric, because you recognized this unprecedented opportunity to make money – but on the other hand confused and impatient, because you want to know and understand it immediately?

Your 9 - 5 job also doesn't leave you the time you’d need to fight your way through this endless information jungle on the Internet?

It annoys you how much lifetime you waste in the subway or in traffic jams? That you have to exchange time for money every single day – though time is the most precious thing we have in our life?

For an amount of money that never increases, especially not tenfold in just a few months.

You're dying to understand how Pro Traders are constantly earning extra money, or even living off it completely. Some quite luxuriously. Some simply enjoy to be free.

Then you are at the point where we can help you.

What you need is a guide that explains profitable crypto trading as efficiently and compactly as possible.

A guide that respects that you don't have time for lengthy stories and cumbersome paraphrases.

A guide that understands that you want to know directly and clearly how Crypto Trading works – everything in a nutshell.

Something that takes you by the hand and guides you comfortably through the treasure of knowledge.

That's exactly what you get in this ebook.

The Good News: You Can Learn Everything Without This eBook.

In principle, everything can be found on the Internet – for free. We did not invent the wheel.

However, you have to invest the time and effort to acquire everything yourself over months of painstaking research.

Trial and Error will cost you much more than this ebook.

You need patience and perseverance – and a lot of time.

Even if you are a genius, you will make catastrophic mistakes on your way to becoming a professional trader.

Everyone makes those mistakes in the beginning. We did, too. But we’ve learned from it.

And we pass this knowledge on to you in this ebook.

With this ebook you can avoid the mistakes that will cost you a lot of money.

Instead of falling into the typical traps, you'll know how to collect profits and avoid losses.

We have put everything you need to know in a nutshell for you, in a single ebook.

And you can always look it up if you're looking for a detail.

How Does This eBook Differ From Other Sources That Teach Crypto Trading?

Well, you get the most thoughtful guide for Crypto Trading beginners that you can find, with the strongest focus on efficiency – that is giving you maximum knowledge in minimum time.

This ebook focuses on how to make money with trading – without any digression or general drivel about cryptocurrencies.

Because we have thought very carefully about what information you really need in order to become a profitable trader in the fastest possible way and what you can leave aside.

So you won't get any time-consuming stories about the fundamentals of certain coins, because that's not helpful at all when it comes to learning how to trade cryptocurrencies profitably in general.

Of course, the underlying technologies are exciting and you should educate yourself about them, but our ebook is not about specific coins, but about how to trade cryptocurrencies profitably – no matter which coin.

That's why we skip the author's life story in the ebook, which won't help you make money.

Furthermore, the ebook costs virtually nothing – measured by what good trading information, courses and highly specific teaching materials otherwise cost.

And we even offer you a 30 day money back guarantee.

Often expensive courses are not even good – when we were beginners we did a course at costs in the four-digit range, and after a while we got more and more annoyed that the guy in the videos just didn't get to the point. Instead he talked endlessly and we didn't know what was important.

With our Ebook you learn all important things clearly structured and to the point.

How This eBook Leads You Directly To Your Goal

In this ebook you will learn how to look at a chart and very quickly see if it is worth it to examine the coin more closely.

Then you will learn what you should know about the coin and by what means.

You will learn precisely which tools are best used to analyze crypto charts and which indicators help you best to make a buying or selling decision.

You will learn how risk management works to protect your money.

The trick in trading is to keep losses tight and skim off the highest possible profits. So you will learn how to implement this principle and how to let your capital continue to grow.

You get proven crypto trading strategies for your trades - because you always need a concrete plan that you stick to. You get the plan and the tools to execute it.

We've put every piece of information in a nutshell and illustrated it with charts and vivid images. So that you can understand everything quickly and easily and put it directly into practice.

Your 10 Main Advantages Of This Crypto Trading eBook At A Glance:

  • You Save An Incredible Amount Of Time
  • You Save An Incredible Amount Of Money
  • You Learn Fun Skills That You Can Use For A Lifetime
  • You Get Flexibility To Make Money Whenever
  • You Gain Autonomy – You Get A Skill That Makes You Independent From Employers
  • You Make Sure You Get The Most Out Of The Early Crypto Age
  • You Understand How You Can Make Money Not Only In Continuous Bull Markets
  • You Choose The Easiest Way To Get Into Crypto Trading
  • You Benefit From The Accumulated Knowledge Of Professional Traders, Virtually As A Gift
  • You Get A Manual To Look Up Everything Easily When Needed

Get This And More:

Understand Trading

Learn the general Rules of profitable Trading – know where you stand

Understand Charts

Learn the crucial Basics of Technical Analysis easy and fast to find Trading Opportunities

11 Trading Strategies

Learn a Set of high probability Crypto Trading Strategies every Pro Trader knows

Risk Management

Learn the Tricks how to protect your Trading Capital from bigger Losses


Understand how to develop your Trading Skills fast and most efficiently

Community and Alerts

Let’s cut through the Noise – get the most useful Tips for the use of Social Media as a Beginner

In This eBook You’ll Learn:

  • How you can see in a chart whether it is worthwhile to buy the coin
  • At what point you should buy a coin
  • Where you should sell immediately if the trade goes the wrong way
  • Which indicators are most useful
  • How to find out when to sell
  • What are the biggest mistakes you could make when trading
  • What is the maximum size of your trading positions
  • What proper risk management is and why you need it
  • Where the smartest point is to place a Stop Loss order
  • Why and how to use Fibonacci Retracements to find buying or selling areas
  • Why the Elliott Waves theory is useful and how exactly you work with it
  • How useful candlesticks really are, and what you can see through them
  • Which chart patterns you should recognize and how to use them correctly for your trades
  • Which indicator you should check again at the moment you want to buy or sell
  • What indicators tell you that a price reversal is most likely to happen
  • What the Order Books tell you, what you can read in there
  • How to use the Moving Average indicator efficiently
  • What the heck this Ichimoku Cloud is and how you’re supposed to use this thing
  • What a trading strategy – a good plan is
  • What exactly you should do when a coin is pumping
  • When is the best time to sell a coin
  • How long you should hold a descending Altcoin
  • Why it is so important to know your Risk:Reward ratio
  • Why you should differentiate whether you trade a big Altcoin or an unknown one with low market capitalization
  • What the most important insight is when it comes to the use of social media and following traders
  • Which Exchanges are best for your Purposes
  • What you should be aware of in order to protect your coins from theft
  • How you can quickly internalize what you learned in the ebook and implement it correctly

All this you learn – and even way more.

About Our Main Author:

“Why I want to stay anonymous.

For me, the world of cryptocurrencies is not one in which I want to be in the limelight. Especially not as a wealthy owner or trader of cryptocurrencies. I’m not interested in being famous or envied. And who knows, maybe I’m a dog?

I want to be free. Free and independent. That’s exactly what I am in my life, thanks to Bitcoin and a variety of Altcoins I’ve already traded.

I am not one of the early Bitcoin investors. I first bought Bitcoin at $230, which was my first good Crypto investment. It has increased almost a hundredfold (in December 2017).

I’ve been an active trader since the beginning of 2016 and was able to increase my capital through many great Altcoin trades. This has set me free. I know how to trade profitably and live on it.

This has given me an ability that I will benefit from for the rest of my life.

It has cost me thousands of hours of work, and I now pass the essence on to you in this ebook.

Trust Facts – Not Faces …

Authorities and people to trust are exactly what becomes superfluous in the cryptoworld.

The founder of the largest cryptocurrency is still unknown, a pseudonym.

Satoshi Nakamoto, the developer of Bitcoin. Nobody knows if this name refers to a man, a woman or a group of people. And it doesn’t matter.

Because from now on code is the truth. predictable and verifiable.

People can lie and cheat. Facts do not lie.

How many confidants in the world have turned out to be liars again and again?!

Think only of politicians and bankers.

I don’t want to fool you or show you how great I am. I just want to help you become a good trader, free and independent, like me.

I’m just telling you helpful facts that you can check out and try out.

If you are the guy who buys Lamborghinis and has a fancy Facebook account is up to you 🙂 . .

And as I said – you have a money back guarantee me and my co-producers (trader buddies and a book designer) stand by.”

Try Our eBook Now – 30 Days Money Back Guarantee

We are so confident that you will greatly benefit from this ebook that we offer you a 30-day money back guarantee. If this ebook doesn’t help you become a profitable Crypto Trader at all, you’ll get your money back.

We also offer the ebook at a very competitive price. No monthly subscription fee, no need to be online at a specific time to receive a tutorial call. You can learn crypto trading whenever your time allows.

And if you don’t read this book and start trading on your own, we can guarantee that you will lose more than this book costs within the first week of crypto trading. You will probably lose more on the first day.


So click on “Send it” below and choose the easier way.

Invest a few dollars in your future. With this ebook you have everything you need to become a profitable crypto trader.

You get the plan how profitable crypto trading works.

You have nothing to lose and everything to win.

Imagine you’d had put just a few hundred dollars into the right coins at the beginning of 2017. Maybe you wouldn’t need your 9 to 5 job anymore.

Right now is the time to lean the skills so you don’t miss out the next crypto bull market – which is most likely right around the corner.

Take this unique chance!

Likely there won’t be a second chance like this throughout your lifetime – to make a lot of money in such a short time.

The cryptocurrency revolution is unique. And it’s happening now. Be one of the winners.

Simply click the button below.

Readers' Opinions

Finally I have the courage to trade. I’ve been watching those markets since a while, but I knew it’s risky and you should know what you are doing. With the book I feel prepared, now I know way better what to do. Thanks for the striking compilation!
Stephen P.
I have no doubt that whoever wrote this book does have a clue about trading and cryptos in general and even IT. It looks like a production of somebody with a plan. Thanks
Johanna L.

Contents & Excerpts

  • Contents 1
  • Contents 2
  • Contents 3
  • Contents 4
  • Sample 1
  • Sample 2
  • Sample 3

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Successful Crypto Trading Ebook

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